Distance Learning in Design

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MGI Management Institute
Provides professional-level, distance learning continuing education courses which are offered through 18 professional associations. General subject areas include architecture, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, quality control, health care,.

Rhodec International
This UK-based institution provides accredited introductory and professional interior design courses by distance learning from anywhere in the world.

Sheffield School of Interior Design
Interior design and decorating school which provides distance learning from its New York City location.

University of Wisconsin - Learning Innovations
Offering print-based and Web-enhanced courses, the Independent Learning program has over 500 university, high school, vocational, and continuing education courses which are fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and School.

Intec College
Located in South Africa, this college specializes in distance education while providing tutors for guidance and support. Classes are offered in electronics/engineering, building construction, drafting, fashion, decorating, arts and design.

Curtin University of Technology
Australian university offering advanced courses in design to design professionals, educators and other candidates in related fields who want knowledge and experience into the theory and practice of design. The University is developing flexible s.

National Extension College
UK-based college specializing in distance learning in a variety of courses in the areas of arts, design and creative writing; career and business skills; and counseling and guidance skills.

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